The kids on the Street: “Atrocious, tasteless,
demeaning, they symbolize Slavery; Slavery-glamourzon!”
Jeremy Scott: “I was inspired by a toy; toys have always played a big role of inspiration to my designs.”
ADIDAS: “We apologise no harm or discomfort was intended therefore we will pull these blasphemous things off the collection, never to see the light of day again!”
Had I seen a pair of these sneakers on a catalogue presented as one Jeremy Scott’s Collaboration with ADIDAS I would have probably thought what is with that peculiar looking orange ankle cuff situation. Chances are that I would have shrugged it off with a simple inner thought that says: Jeremy Scott is always cray!
Jeremy Scott: “I was inspired by a toy; toys have always played a big role of inspiration to my designs.”
ADIDAS: “We apologise no harm or discomfort was intended therefore we will pull these blasphemous things off the collection, never to see the light of day again!”
Had I seen a pair of these sneakers on a catalogue presented as one Jeremy Scott’s Collaboration with ADIDAS I would have probably thought what is with that peculiar looking orange ankle cuff situation. Chances are that I would have shrugged it off with a simple inner thought that says: Jeremy Scott is always cray!
of all I wouldn’t have found this design aesthetically appeasing enough for me to
pay it any more attention than a quick glance through, BUT I would have
definitely stopped at the style name to give it a little bit of a thought - ‘Hand
Cuff' - hand cuff on an ankle? Very
unpack this…
Frankly when I scrutinized these sorta reminded me of a house arrest ankle monitor, before anything else. Then then the process thought kicked in…
thing that set the clicking chuckles off for me and made me go O-O-Oh I see
where the kids are going with this and really made me question the design more
were definitely the little chain link setting tied to the cuff. It does
look tad off beat as something to be incorporated in to an ankle part of a sneaker,
now pair that with the undertones the little innocent cuff links inspired by a
toy induces. Not a pretty sight, literally!
An ankle cuff is not exactly a ground breaking design element in the fashion world. Considering that one of this season's hottest trends is heavy S&M inspired body chains, leather harness and all sortsa knick knacks that look like they were brought to light during a raid of an underground bang-gang club in Berlin! Where does Adidas originates from again? Aaahhh
In a way one can comprehend this design from the current fashion trends outlook. In that case the sneaker perfectly makes sense! If Jeremy Scott did not really mean no harm about this design I truly believe it is a case of being unlucky or karma is out to get him for reasons only Lady Karma is well in the know off.
An ankle cuff is not exactly a ground breaking design element in the fashion world. Considering that one of this season's hottest trends is heavy S&M inspired body chains, leather harness and all sortsa knick knacks that look like they were brought to light during a raid of an underground bang-gang club in Berlin! Where does Adidas originates from again? Aaahhh
In a way one can comprehend this design from the current fashion trends outlook. In that case the sneaker perfectly makes sense! If Jeremy Scott did not really mean no harm about this design I truly believe it is a case of being unlucky or karma is out to get him for reasons only Lady Karma is well in the know off.
VOGUE Italia’s Slave Jewellery stunt? My mind couldn’t help but take me there. Even
though it was unjust of it because we all know how they roll at VOGUE Italia
and how they just thrills on stirring up shit!
Were the designers’ motives deliberately in bad taste? Eeerrrmmm what do you think?
Did the Adidas team see the design and all cooed - ‘O that's fabulous, Mr. Scott you never discontinue to amaze us this is absolutely cray-cray, Genius nonetheless. This design will most certainly be well appreciated. We see dollar signs galore!" - in union
Or they thought this could be a little risky and dump us in an awfully sweltering tub but we going to give them a green light nonetheless a little publicity never hurt nobody. Not especially after NIKE has been at it hogging the spot light with all that Kanye West sneaker talk!
We will graciously apologise when shit hits the fan and pull the plug on the production mean machine.
Aint gonna lie, I loovve me some Jeremy Scott designs cause they just too crazy and 'original'. I am also obsessed with some good old ADIDAS retro three stripes designs.
Were the designers’ motives deliberately in bad taste? Eeerrrmmm what do you think?
Did the Adidas team see the design and all cooed - ‘O that's fabulous, Mr. Scott you never discontinue to amaze us this is absolutely cray-cray, Genius nonetheless. This design will most certainly be well appreciated. We see dollar signs galore!" - in union
Or they thought this could be a little risky and dump us in an awfully sweltering tub but we going to give them a green light nonetheless a little publicity never hurt nobody. Not especially after NIKE has been at it hogging the spot light with all that Kanye West sneaker talk!
We will graciously apologise when shit hits the fan and pull the plug on the production mean machine.
Aint gonna lie, I loovve me some Jeremy Scott designs cause they just too crazy and 'original'. I am also obsessed with some good old ADIDAS retro three stripes designs.
also reminded me of a similar situation we once experienced at previous
footwear company I was employed by. It was major and unfortunately the design
of the sneakers was already produced and ready to hit the stores but that never
happened. You know what happened though? All millions of them were destroyed.
Reason being I hear you ask? They were religiously blasphemous.
will serve as a case study along the lines of; “Know Who Your Customers” or something more copy subject inticing.
P.S The
illustrations are by my crazy most appreciated illustrator aleXsandro Palombo he is an ABSOLUTE
GENIUS! I donno how he does it and still jamming it! Alexsandro you know I am
your biggest South African admirer right? Right! Click the link to dwell in his
brilliantly (in) appropriate archives of work! FUCKEN AMAZING!
took a walk this morning and thought I indulge in some fashion politics!
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