Sunday 10 July 2011

Cape Town Fashion Week Spring / Summer '11 - '12

So Cape Town Fashion Week Summer Spring 2011 – 2012 officially kick start on the 13th. Don’t sweat the unnecessary admin of schlepping all the way to the Mother City; the guys from AFI are treating us to some online streaming of all the show this year. So I suggest you stock up on some data bundles and keep that social diary clean for those time slots!

Even though nothing will EVER beat the Mah-Jor Drama and Festivities of Fashion Week;
·         Deciding what to wear, How to wear it, What to pair it with,
·         Heart palpitations and anxiety attacks induced by the thought of someone rocking up in a similar outfit
·         No wardrobe rules apply, if any they are in moderation  - Fashion Week Wardrobe Carte blanche
·         Running late for the show
·         Collecting tickets
·         Hustling for tickets
·         Trading an accessory or two for that sold out show ticket
·         Begging for a standby ticket
·         Air kisses
·         Challenging cocktail conversation etiquettes
·         Being hustled by the photographers and Fashion reporters
·         Fashionistas-seat-snatching- sly-tactics
·         How everyone sits on the edge their seat waiting in anti...cipation for those critical words: “This is the last call, the show is about to begin and if there is an open seat in the rows you more than welcome to fill them”. This call and move is for pros only because they have put on the hours, they know how to strut from the 8th row to 1st row in three seconds flat. So if you an amateur rather observe and practice next time or you will get cut! And trust me you DO NOT wanna mess with a ferocious fashionista with nothing but a front row seat as their target!
·         The deportment one needs to hold whilst observing a show
·         After parties
·         The rush one experience when the lights go off and the first schmodel hit the runway; this has to be one of the BEST feelings in the world!
·         The oohs-and-aahs during the show
·         The lusting feeling one experience when the designer hangers strut in front of you with that “must have” item you can’t have. Bear in mind that this is not even half of it and its just for when you attending shows, now imagine what happens behind the scenes
Yes although you will miss half the adrenalin rush at least you will see the show on real time, so log on  

I love love love the Dax Martin Swimwear collection on the official poster, Totally Mah-Jor!!!

I cannot wait!!!

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