Tuesday 8 July 2014

Day 6: Wound x Grahamstown National Arts Festival 2014

On arrival I was advised by another, writer friend attending the National Arts festival 2014 to try not focus mainly on Fringe productions and rather stick to Main theatre. Reason being, some of the Fringe pieces are undercooked, student vibes, painful to watch, The Liberation of Angry Little Man *cough* Therefore FOMO and disappointment can be the order of the day. Should you pick a ‘wrong’ show over a 'good' one you will pinch your own ears in rage.

Today I found myself 5minutes before show sprinting to basement 2 Arena at The Monument to watch a drama theatre production called WOUND. This is their premiere and the company is making its second appearance here at the G-Town #NAF2014

Presented by Indy Spirit Worx Directed by Quintin Wils, Written by Charles J. Fourie starring David ‘cum sit on my face’ Johnson and Dominique Fourie.

What to expect without killing it for you? Online hook up goes horribly wrong; there is an interesting plot in the mix. It all happens in District 6, Cape Town. Good motives leads to a bad situation. There is a ripped cappuccino and a lean vanilla combo that leads to a fucking physical situation. Things get quite sensual, than sexy and Google-self-help-Tarantino-gruesome happen too soon too quick. If you have asthma issues or a dry cough going on, avoid sitting anywhere near the stage, there will be about three fags being fired up.

There was some serious truth being preached, even the granny behind me couldn’t resist but hiss out some ‘mmmhh’ in between the lines delivery. Annoying as it was, I suppose one cannot help themselves but toss out theatre etiquettes out the window, when the words are too deep and touch home.

A choice has to be made; “with or without “ as with every choice in life, there is always a price to pay.

David Johnson's banging body definitely gives those male dancers from Cape Academy of Performing Arts (BitterSweet and Between The Lines) a round for their money.  He definitely cracks a nod for Hottest Bodies on theatre stage here at #NAF2014. This is not a post about male actors objectification; my point is, I enjoyed this theatre piece. It runs until the 12 July , here at #NAF2014 . So feel free to go watch it. Where was I again? Oh, Yes, I was still talking about Grahamstown Arts Festival theatre stage hot bodies nomination list …

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