Thursday, 25 October 2012

Craig Naitive | Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Africa 2012 Collection

Midst all that was showing or not-so-showing then came in the Durbanite designer Craig Naitive to save our fashion palates from erosion. He quickly turned what one of my seat companion dubbed ‘Fashion Weak’ to Fashion Week we were there for!

In true Craig Naitive Africanism style he took to the street beckoning future male trends for the upcoming year. Highlighted was the use of uniquely textured fabrics, sticking to his realness and truth there was a moderate use of denim, elementary and neon colour trimmings, the return of the camouflage, overall a finished collection with a tight story. I must have left a puddle of cream below my chair as my lust thermometer was increasingly rising at an uncontrollable rapid rate.

A few key pieces that made me slam that stamp of approval for this collection were:
1. The oversized parka with a cinched waist drawstring detail (I really want one; I deleted the image accidently but believe me it is HAUTE)
2. The long sleeved grey melange oversized logo print sweater (I need in my life, pronto)
3. The drop-dropped crotch denim shorts
4. The introduction for the dip back cut on all the T shirts.
5. Subdued fusion of shweshwe material and tropical and African prints.
6. The quilted fabric bag!

Fabulous job with the styling Miss Palesa Mashiyane!

I noticed the brand logo went under the knife for some Nip/Tuck

P.S I hardly review collections but I guess external factors can influence to which side that scale will be tipping like - when the designer allocates you a good seat. That kinda helps for starters.


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