I loved the new constructed smaller collars on the smart
button down shirts. I want all of their footwear range I am not the one for
formal shoes but once in a while I invest in that one good pair, just to have
it for whenever.
Ted showcased these insane half booties, with a boat shoe
vibe in burnt orange and mint green with super cushy inner lining in the
softest suede material ever! Funny thing I was wearing a similar pair;
looks-like-feels-like, but far from that premium number Mister Ted Baker made
me LUST over! The pair in mint green had me speaking in tongues!
Digging the stripped one pocket basic Tee with button
details. The colour hue chinos are also front runners!
I hope the SA guys are taking notes and we see some super stylish lads on the streets come summer...but the no shoes is a No No :)